Dolly Khanna Success Story:
Every market produces players- those who churn one multi-baggers after another. Dolly Khanna, although the name may not be quite well known as Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, she is doing quite well off. Her portfolio was quite a mystery for a long time! She has not been interviewed or known before until she bought a 1% stake in a company and Indian law makes it compulsory to disclose it to the exchange. Her stake is more than 1% of 14 listed companies now.
Dolly Khanna, the name we hear along with Rajiv Khanna. The couple is based in Chennai. Rajiv Khanna has graduated as a chemical engineer from prestigious IIT Madras. During their initial days, they raised capital from the sale of a family business named ‘Kwality Milk foods’ to Hindustan Unilever in 1995. Since then the golden couple has not looked back. She is into the stock market since 1996 and her portfolio is managed by her husband Rajiv Khanna. Rajiv Khanna is widely known as a brain behind Dolly Khanna’s holdings in the equity market. Her holdings range from the plastic company to the pressure cooker manufacturer.
What makes it interesting is that her stock picks perpetually becomes mega multi-baggers. The couple is quite accurate and expert in picking small potential businesses. Khanna’s are named among the top individual players of the Dalal Street. In 2014, she picked up Nilkamal (India’s top manufacturer of Home and office furniture), the stock which surprisingly has gone up 900% (from Rs 197.30 on March’14 to Rs 1966 as of March’17) in past 3 years, nearly 10 times.
Their first multi-bagger in their portfolio was Hawkins Cookers. They kept buying stocks till June’09 at the price of 130-140. Today is stock is worth Rs 3400 and also the company has given 70% of its profit as dividends.
Avanti Feeds, Nilkamal, Rain Industry, Emkay Global, NOCIL, PPAP Auto, Sterling Tools, Thirumalai Chemicals, Asian Granito are the few examples of her stocks that went to become multi-baggers once she added them to her portfolio.
The above stocks (along with some others) make up around INR 1 billion. as net worth. Also, there are few stocks that are not yet disclosed to the stock exchange as they are below the statutory limit for reporting. So, the aggregate will definitely roar above INR 1 billion! During a seminar, Rajiv Khanna said,
“Investors have to move beyond value investing and look at growth stocks if they want to find multi-baggers for their portfolio.”
Generally, the couple is a believer in long-term investment, but sometimes they also sell off the stock if it’s giving them a pretty sum of returns at that stage. Rajiv Khanna says that he relies on public information to make his investment, unlike some market analyst who bothers themselves talking to the management of companies.
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